Crowd-sourcing: You can Help Raise Funds to Attend a Residency at MoKS, Estonia.

From November-December 2013 I will be spending one month at the MoKS Residency in Mooste, Estonia. My aim is to collect new field recordings in Estonia’s frozen winter landscape as well as work without interruption on a number of projects to be released next year. It is a residency filled with exciting possibilities.

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Travelling with me will be the Australian artist Travis Paterson. Travis is a printmaker whose work has won several prizes and has been acquired by a number of galleries throughout Australia. From our time in Estonia we hope to produce a collaborative work combining image and sound.

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To help raise funds for the residency Travis is selling original works through a project he has created on the crowd-sourcing site Pozible. By pledging money towards the project you will be able to receive exquisite prints by Travis which will in turn raise the money needed to get to

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During the one month residency at MoKS I hope to complete a composition for the label Unfathomless, and commence a new work for the Taurion River series on Cédric Peyronnet’s Kaon label. I also hope to learn new recording and compositional techniques through other field recordists staying at MoKS.

For more information please visit Travis Paterson’s page here.
Visit the MoKS site here.

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