It Abounds – 3’54”

Over the past year of field recording it has become apparent that fully re-creating the sonic environment in which recordings are taken is not always possible. This is partly due to the restrictions of technology, but more so because of the loss of the original physical and emotional occupation within the recording vicinity.

This is where soundscapes come into play.

By taking material from raw field recordings it is possible to manipulate and transform sounds into musical pieces which better embody the space in which they were recorded. Soundscapes can creatively guide us into appreciating our environment in ways normally overlooked in daily life. Through a process of deep listening we are affected by their sound. For a short moment life slows down, with the soundscape affirming connections between the listener and the external world through a technique that raw field recordings often fail to do.

It Abounds features field recordings taken from a dam at twilight. As the light faded the birds began to quieten, the air became abundant with the sounds of night.

7 thoughts on “It Abounds – 3’54”

  1. Did it take long to make? It looks like it wasn’t that easy and the result is impressive. It felt as if it was evoking images. I do enjoy the way you manipulate the sound, it takes some courage I guess.


    1. I’m glad you like it. The piece uses a mix of 11 different field recordings. It took about a week to finish – a lot of that time was spent experimenting with which sounds worked well together, how far to alter the sound from its original point, how to fill in gaps of silence and sustain interest etc. The actual field recordings took several weeks to collect. With each soundscape I always have a definite location/image which I’m trying to represent – this time it was of the sun setting in a big fiery ball over the dam where I recorded most of the sounds. I’m curious as to what images were in your mind as you listened to it.


  2. I thought of blasts, not real ones but those you see in the movie knowing it is not real but some sort of effect, then moving shades. I’m really impressed with – let me call it – the compression rate, several weeks turned into several minutes, fantastic.


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